Press & Media

Photo, video and text resources

About Longneck Manor

Longneck Manor, nestled on more than 100 acres in the beautiful Hill Country of Texas, will serve as home to giraffe, rhinos and cheetah born in accredited US zoos and offer guests a personalized wildlife experience like no other in the country.  Traveling to Africa – an exceptional experience only possible for very few, fortunate people – provides the only comparable experience to what Longneck Manor has to offer.  Not a traditional zoo exhibit where barriers distance guests from personal encounters with the animals, Longneck Manor treats a small number of overnight guests to more of an immersive, exclusive safari experience.

Media Admissions Policy

Our team is eager to help you! We welcome the opportunity to assist credentialed broadcast, electronic and print journalists with feature stories and editorial coverage of Longneck Manor.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • We promise to help make your story a great one; however, the staff of Longneck Manor, including keepers, managers and veterinarians may occasionally set guidelines and limitations to ensure the safety of our animals and guests.
  • All interviews with Longneck Manor employees will be arranged by Managing personnel; after all, we are here to make your job fun and easy.
  • As much as we’d like to go above and beyond where a great story is concerned, quarantine areas are off limits to media personnel. 
  • Reporters and photographers are allowed in visitor-approved areas and public pathways; but with some notice we may let you explore just a bit more.
  • Longneck Manor staff would like your visit to be a memorable one; therefore, special permission is required to enter animal areas. Our team will be sure to get you where you need!

Media Policy

We will consider requests as a professional courtesy on a case-by-case basis based upon the relevancy of each applicant’s news outlet and market. This courtesy is extended to active members of the news media only (reporters, producers, editors), not retired personnel. Please email your request to

Influencer Requests

Thank you for your interest in wanting to partner with Longneck Manor within your digital space! To express your interest, please fill out the form below, and a Team Member will reach out in 3-5 business days.

Contact Us:

Heather Crocker
Deputy Director

Rick Barongi

Informational videos

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